Privacy Statement

Stichting Kees Eijrond (“the Kees Eijrond Foundation”) respects your privacy and treats your personal data with the utmost care and confidentiality. It complies with the laws and regulations in the field of personal data protection, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Below, we explain which data we process from you, what the basis is for processing it, why we do it, and how we handle your personal data. We also explain how you can influence the processing of your personal data by the Kees Eijrond Foundation.

This privacy statement may change from time to time if new developments give cause to do so. We therefore reserve the right to change this privacy statement at any time. You will always find the most up-to-date state of affairs on our website. We therefore advise you to visit this page regularly. The privacy policy always indicates the last date of change.

This privacy statement was last amended on June 5, 2024.

Personal data that is processed

The Kees Eijrond Foundation processes personal data. According to the GDPR, personal data is "any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person". These are all data that can be traced directly or indirectly to your person. We receive the data directly from you when you apply for or are awarded a grant, when you are supported by us, when you visit the website or when you contact us via social media.

Data related to applications

In order to qualify for a grant, the Kees Eijrond Foundation will process the following personal data: name, surname, address, e-mail, and telephone number. We also process CVs (including pre-education(s)), intended project, budget, diplomas, expected impact, letter of motivation, letters of recommendation, photo/video material and any other personal data stated in your application.

Social media

The Kees Eijrond Foundation uses social media such as Instagram with its own profile page. Through these channels you can follow the Kees Eijrond Foundation and possibly respond to our communications. The privacy policy of the relevant social media platform applies to this. Should you contact us via private message one of our employees will assist you further. Personal data, for example regarding your scholarship application, will only be communicated to you via these private messages and never via public messages.


To give you the best user experience and to inform you as effectively as possible, the Kees Eijrond Foundation would like to know how its visitors use the website. This is done on the basis of your IP address and surfing behavior. The Kees Eijrond Foundation uses cookies on its website for this purpose. See here.

Processing Principles

We may only process your personal data if there is a legal basis for doing so. The following legal bases apply:
• When you or your parent(s), carer(s) or legal representative(s) have given permission for this. This permission can always be withdrawn;
• The execution of the agreement you entered into with the Kees Eijrond Foundation;
• Complying with a legal obligation of the Kees Eijrond Foundation;
• To represent the legitimate interests of the Kees Eijrond Foundation;

Why the Kees Eijrond Foundation needs this data

Analyses and evaluation

The Kees Eijrond Foundation can use your data to conduct research and analyses with the aim of improving the use of the website. 

Marketing and communication

After the grant has been awarded, we will ask you if we may use your data for publicity (such as photos in the annual report or on social media), marketing and communication from the Kees Eijrond Foundation.

Legal obligation

The Kees Eijrond Foundation may be required by law or regulation to process your personal data and/or provide it to third parties. For example, when a competent authority such as the police requests this in the context of a criminal investigation.

Other purposes

If the Kees Eijrond Foundation wishes to use personal data for a purpose other than that already described, it will ask for your permission.


We only process personal data of minors (under the age of 18) if written permission has been given by the parent(s), caregiver(s) or legal representative(s).

How do we handle the security of your data?

The Kees Eijrond Foundation takes appropriate technical and organizational security measures to protect personal data against, among other things, loss, destruction or damage, unauthorized access or any other form of unlawful processing of your personal data. We do this, among other things, by taking physical and organizational measures for access security, and by shielding every computer with a username and password. But this also includes keeping software up-to-date and regularly testing our security measures.

How long the Kees Eijrond Foundation retains data

The Kees Eijrond Foundation does not store your personal data for longer than is strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which your data is collected and no longer than permitted by law.

Use of Third Party Services

The Kees Eijrond Foundation only shares your personal data to third parties who provide services to the Kees Eijrond Foundation, for example for the processing of payments, for the assessment of an application or for the preparation and distribution of the annual report. While doing so, we will comply with the purposes stated in this privacy statement.

Insofar as a recipient processes your personal data in the capacity of a processor of the Kees Eijrond Foundation, the Kees Eijrond Foundation will conclude a processing agreement with such a processor that meets the requirements set out in the GDPR. For example, processors must treat your personal data in strict confidence.

How can you influence the processing of your personal data?

A number of rights of data subjects are laid down in the GDPR. You have the right to request the Kees Eijrond Foundation to view, correct or delete your personal data.

In addition, you have the right to request the Kees Eijrond Foundation to limit the processing of your personal data or to transfer your personal data to you or to another company.

If you have given permission for the processing of personal data, you always have the right to withdraw this permission. Withdrawal of consent has no retroactive effect.

You also have the right to object to the Kees Eijrond Foundation against the processing of your personal data.

If you do not agree with the way in which we process your data, you can submit a complaint to us. In addition, you always retain the right to turn to the Dutch Data Protection Authority in this case.

If you want to make use of your rights, you can do so as follows.

You can submit your request by e-mail to or send a request by regular mail.

You will receive a response within one month of receipt of the request.

For questions about this privacy statement and the policy of the KeesEijrond Foundation, please contact