Complaints procedure

The Kees Eijrond Foundation strives for a good, clear, and pleasant relationship with its applicants and is therefore open to ideas, comments, wishes and complaints. If you have any questions about the decision-making or processing of your funding application, it is best to ask the member of staff who is handling your application. He or she will then try to answer your question as best as possible. If you do not have a question but a complaint, you can also make this known. In that case, this complaints procedure applies. The aim of these regulations is to further improve the quality of our services and to ensure that the Kees Eijrond Foundation handles your complaint with due care.

When can you make a complaint?

A complaint can be about the way the Foundation has treated you in connection with an application or about the way the Foundation has behaved towards you. The complaint cannot be about the content of the decision whether or not to award the contribution. If a decision, act or behavior has taken place more than six months before submitting the complaint, your complaint cannot be processed. The same applies if a complaint has already been submitted about the same subject and has been resolved.

How do I submit a complaint?

As an applicant for a contribution, you can submit a written complaint by post or by e-mail. This complaint may be about the way the fund has treated you or behaved in relation to your application. The complaint cannot be about the content of the decision whether or not to award the contribution.

In any case, your complaint must contain the following information:
·       Name, address, e-mail address and telephone number of the person submitting the complaint or on whose behalf the complaint is submitted;
·       Description of the treatment or behavior about which you have a complaint;
·       The actual complaint.

How is your complaint handled?

The Kees Eijrond Foundation will confirm receipt of your complaint by e-mail within 10 working days and immediately provide information about the way in which your complaint will be handled. The Chairman of the Kees Eijrond Foundation will be informed about your complaint.

The Kees Eijrond Foundation strives to handle your complaint as quickly as possible. You will receive an official written, motivated response, signed by the Chairman and/or the secretary of the Kees Eijrond Foundation, within 4 weeks of receipt at the latest. Our response will be about:
·       What is the reason for the actions on which the complaint is based;
·       How a possible error can be corrected;
·       Clear information on a specific topic.

You cannot appeal against the response to your complaint. Under special circumstances, the response time is extended by four weeks. In that case, you will be notified. You can submit your complaint in writing by regular mail or by sending us an email to